Forgive Me - Maher Zain

Hampir semua lirik lagu Maher Zain itu liriknya menyentuh hati
(orang nya juga :D)
terutama yang satu ini, kerasa banget... 

Forgive Me judul album terbaru sekaligus judul lagu yang ada dalam album itu sendiri, begitu mempunyai makna yang sangat dalam bagi kehidupan saia...
lagu ini mengingatkan kita, Jika waktu itu telah tiba untuk kita... waktu dimana kita akan meninggalkan segala nya, waktu ketika kita dimintai pertanggung jawaban untuk apa yang telah kita lakukan dimasa hidup....

Nah sebelum "waktu itu" datang, mari kita tanya pada diri kita " sudahkan kita bertaubat" 
tidak ada kata terlambat untuk bartaubat kawan... karena tuhan itu maha pengampun....
Kira - kira begitulah makna dari lagunya mas Maher Zain (itu pendapat saia lho ya??)
Now, Yuk kita sing a song together :D

I'm about to lose the battle and cross the line
I'm about to make another mistake
And even though I try to stay away
Everything around me keeps dragging me in
I can't help thinking to myself
What if my time would end today, today, today?
Can I guarantee that I will get another chance
Before it's too late, too late, too late

Forgive me… My heart is so full of regret
Forgive me… Now is the right time for me to repent, repent, repent..
Am I out of my mind?
What did I do? Oh, I feel so bad!
And every time I try to start all over again
My shame comes back to haunt me
I'm trying hard to walk away
But temptation is surrounding me, surrounding me
I wish that I could find the strength to change my life
Before it's too late, too late, too late


I know O Allah You're the Most-Forgiving
And that You've promised to
Always be there when I call upon You
So now I'm standing here
Ashamed of all the mistakes I've committed
Please don't turn me away
And hear my prayer when I ask You to


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